Contact – Aapti Gardening

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No.261, 2nd Main Road,
Nehru Nagar, Kotiiwakkam , OMR, Chennai – 600 096

Frequently Asked Question!

  • Dont water in the evening.
  • Don’t make plant nitrogen rich.
  • Don’t allow leaves to touch the ground/soil.
  • Use metarhizium to drench soil.
  • Prevent ants reaching your plants in any or all possible ways ..
  • avoid food for them in the soil.
  • Over and above this, keep neem oil emulsion in hand.
  • If you are lucky, natural predators will take charge for this repellent spraying should be used judiciously only.

Add a table spoon of  coffee waste in the soil to make it slightly acidic. This should be done once in 3 days for 3 weeks. You can also add Epsom salt (Magnesium Sulphate) in the soil so that the plant can absorb Magnesium from the soil.  The plant will definitely start fruiting.

Potato, radish, beetroot, carrot, palak, sorrel, onion, lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, knolkhol. 

sweet potato, cluster bean, bean, basella etc. 

  •  N- Nitrogen is needed from seedling stage to vegetative growth
  • P – Phosphorous is needed during flowering time. When  the plant has just started to flower.
  • K – Potash is needed during fruiting time. Additionally during this stage needs plant needs trace elements like Ca, Mg, Mn, Boron etc.
  • Nitrogen – Activated sludge, alfalfa hay, blood meal, coffee grounds dried, human urine, dried blood,Fish scrap (fresh), immature grass, hair, hen manure, horn dust, horse manure, lobster shells, raspberry leaves, sheep manure, sludge
  • Phosphorous – Bonemeal, fish scrap (fresh), hen manure, rabbit manure,seaweed, compost
  • Potassium – water hyacinth, Banana, Alfalfa hay,blood meal, cattle manure, coffee grounds, corn stalks, dried blood, grass (immature), hen manure, horse manure, molasses residue, potato tubers, seaweed, tobacco, wood ash
  • Boron – granite dust, muskmelon leaves
  • Cobalt – manure, yeast, legumes
  • Copper – wood shavings, sawdust, spinach, tobacco, dandelions
  • Iron – Seaweed, most weeeds, humus
  • Manganese – manure, seawater, carrot tops, seaweed
  • Magnesium – sea water
  • Molybdenum – cornstalks
  • Zinc – alfalfa
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