Azospirrilum – 1 kg – Powder Bannari Amman – Aapti Gardening

Azospirrilum – 1 kg – Powder Bannari Amman

(2 customer reviews)


Availability: 50 in stock

SKU: APTNS16 Category:




What it contains??

This makes the N in the Organic NPK.


How does it work ??

Our atmosphere has 78% nitrogen gas. The nitrogen gas cannot be used directly by the plants or animals unless they are converted to an absorbable form by burning of air or fixed by the nitrogen fixing bacteria.

This helps in Nitrogen fixation. .

Nitrogen fixation means converting the atmospheric nitrogen into compounds of nitrogen that can be easily available for plants.

Nitrogen helps us in vegetative growth.. Leaves and stem.

This supports to supply crops with needed nitrogen


For what are these suitable for ?

This is most suitable when one is growing Turmeric, Ginger, banana, sugarcane, paddy/Rice, Lawn, Grass etc


When should it be applied ??

Always keep in mind that these are living organisms in dormant form.

so exposure to direct sunlight will kill them.

so after application, after sun is down, mulching with dry leaves or compost is a must to safeguard these till they get established and settled under the soil or inside plant cells.


Weight 1 kg

2 reviews for Azospirrilum – 1 kg – Powder Bannari Amman

  1. Gaya bharath

    Azospirillum is the answer to fresh growth.

  2. Panikar

    I truly didn’t know Nitrigen was so important, until Aapti educated me. Thank you Aapti. Now I can see a whole lot of leaves and good growth in my plants

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