Organic Six Sea weed Extract – 500ml – Aapti Gardening

Organic Six Sea weed Extract – 500ml


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Organic Six : Seaweed

Healthier foliage and fruit appearance: Thicken, enlarge and balance the leaf growth, supply well-balanced crop nutrients, stimulating cell division, improve the fruit set, improve blossom and fruit set.

seaweed fertilizer increases the growth rate of plants.

* It makes the plants resistant against diseases. It gives plants resistance against spider mites,aphids, fungi, other pests.

* It strenghtens plants root system and overall system.

* The growth of the plants will be vigorous if sea weed fertilizer is used. * Increases budding and flowering.

* When sprayed on buds, it’ll avoid buds from falling down so you can get maximum yield.

* If it is sprayed on vegetables before few days of harvesting, it will increase, the shelf life of vegetables.

* If Sprayed on flowers on the day before cutting, the flower will be fresh for one or two more days.

* It intensifies color of flowers

* It increases seed germination when seeds are treated with it.

* Gives DROUGHT resistance to plants. during stress periods general use of this fertilizer will encourage beta ins that assist osmosis in plants and help to increase up take of nutrients and proteins that will give plants a boost to overcome distress.

* It contains starchy element called ALGANATES which acts like sponges.these alganates hold and supply water droplets near roots giving more supply of moisture.

* This can be used as rooting solution for cuttings.

* Increases frost tolerance to plants.

* increases up take of nutrition

* It can be used for soil treatment. nitrogen deficiency in soil can be corrected by using seaweed

* Avoids soil prone diseases

* increases yield in all plants.cucumbers had produced 40% more yield,grapes get more sweeter.

*** IN COMPOSTING… great for compost piles .it boosts composting speed. so you can spray on compost piles .

***IN HYDROPONICS *** This can be used in compost tea solution for hydroponics. This will give you the best compost tea solution # SEAWEED FERTILIZER has more than 60 trace elements. has all micro and macro nutrients.



Weight 0.5 kg


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