Rhizobium – T – 1 kg – Powder -BannariAmman – Aapti Gardening

Rhizobium – T – 1 kg – Powder -BannariAmman

(1 customer review)


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SKU: BRHPWD Category:

What it contains??

Rhizobium biofertilizer is a substance that contains living microorganisms

How does it work ??

Here, the Rhizobium bacteria colonize the rhizosphere or the interior of the plant to promote growth by enhancing the supply or nutrient availability to the host plant

For what are these suitable for ?

Rhizobium, in association with legumes, fixes atmospheric N. The legumes and their symbiotic association with the rhizobium bacterium result in the formation of root nodules that fix atmospheric N. Successful nodulation of leguminous crop by rhizobium largely depends on the availability of a compatible stain for a particular legume.

When should it be applied ??

This is applied to plant surfaces, seeds or soil.

Rhizobium is relatively more effective and widely used biofertilizer. Rhizobium population in the soil is dependent on the presence of legumes crops in field. In the absence of legumes the population of rhizobium in the soil diminishes.

Weight 1 kg

1 review for Rhizobium – T – 1 kg – Powder -BannariAmman

  1. Karuna.Krish

    Like this kind of a focussed nutritious and on top of it all,organic Product.

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