White flies – Aapti Gardening

White flies

White flies

Identification :

Despite their name, whiteflies are not true flies but are in the order Hemiptera, related to aphids, scales and mealybugs. They derive their name from the mealy white wax covering the adult’s wings and body. Adults are tiny insects with yellowish bodies and four whitish wings.
Important information:

Whiteflies are tiny, sap-sucking insects that may become abundant in vegetable and ornamental plantings. They excrete sticky honeydew and cause yellowing or death of leaves.

Managing the Pest :

Neem oil emulsion (2.5-3 ml neem oil emulsified in 1 ltr soap nut water and spray to wet the affected leaves and others too. Yellow sticky traps work too.
Management is difficult once populations are high.


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